Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I’m Here For You...

Four words and a thousand different interpretations. This just so happens to be one of the many phrases/words that we continuously use and neglect the true meaning.
Sometimes, when people say “I’m here for you,” they mean “I’m here for a while, for an hour, or an evening. You think to yourself, "You’re a good person and I enjoy your company and I know you have to vent right now, so I’ll listen; I’ll even bring some Moscato if you want. Most likely I probably won’t stay the night.”
Sometimes, when people say “I’m here for you” they mean “I don’t know what else to say to your sad story. I have absolutely no advice, nowhere to go from here. All I can do is sit here with you and absorb, I hope that helps.” Other times, “I’m here for you” means “I’m here for you but I’d rather not be," it’s just what you’re supposed to say in these situations. "I’m offering, but I hope you don’t actually take me up on it.”
Sometimes it means something and in most cases it doesn’t. Sometimes the people who say it might as well be commenting on the weather or the brunch they just came from. The words come out but they don’t resonate, emptied of their meaning, just tiny words resting in a bowl.
And sometimes the people who truly mean it never say the words at all.... "I'm here for you"

But when I say "I’m here for you," I mean it! I mean it differently! Genuinely! Let me explain.
There’s a part of friendship that’s more than mere aquaintances and/or good feelings, more than having someone to hang out with all the time and bullshit with on lazy Sunday afternoons. There’s a part of real friendship that’s fierce in compassion. The part marked by understanding, protection and sacrifice. The strong, selfless, human part. The part that would move your body in front of theirs to take a bullet without a blink or second thought.
That’s what I represent when I utter the sounds, "I’m here for you" because I am. Not in the therapist sense, not in the "let’s gossip about others crapy relationships over martinis sense, but the real sense. I love you enough to make room for your pain in my heart and handle it like my own. Or even better than my own, because my own usually ends up stuffed into a back corner of my brain and left there to ferment into a viscous back-wood moonshine.

I’m here for you honestly, sometimes painfully so. I may not have firsthand experience with the exact thing you’re going through but I know what it means to hurt. Senses of hurt translate pretty well. I know what it’s like to feel silenced, shut down, wounded. To feel like there’s no one who really understands, or cares, or will even make the genuine effort to help console you. To feel like even talking about it is nothing but a pointless stir of emotions. I care about you too much to make you feel that way alone.
I may not give the best advice as the proclaimed Dr. Phil or sooth your ears like the Dog Wisperer but "I’m here for you." I may not give you any advice at all.... sometimes there just isn’t any! At times just trying what sucks the least and hopeing for the best is all we can do — but I’m listening. You can talk to me about anything you want; your fears and apprehensions, the things you’re afraid to acknowledge, let alone say out loud. They probably won’t go away but maybe they’ll get smaller and a little easier to deal with, and that’s still something and you know why... cause "I'm here for you."

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